A geriatric massage is a form of massage therapy performed on older patients. A body's overall health status, medical issues, and current pharmaceutical regimen are all considered during this form of massage. When combined with conventional medical care, massage therapy for elderly patients can be an efficient and non-invasive method for relieving some of the many signs and symptoms of illness that come with advancing age. This is particularly true when the treatment is given in addition to conventional medical care. A consistent massage routine can help seniors improve their quality of life, boost their energy levels, and give them the impression that they are younger and healthier.

How Geriatric Massage Differs from Traditional Massage
Geriatric massage aims to alleviate specific health issues associated with aging, such as persistent pain, reduced mobility, and stiff muscles. Geriatric massage therapists employ soothing, gentle strokes and light stretching instead of the typical massage pressure since older skin has less moisture and is more prone to bruising and tearing. Sessions are generally typically shorter, lasting only approximately thirty minutes on average. To better meet the special requirements of the elderly population, the following adjustments have been made to traditional massage techniques:
Passive bending and extension of the knees, ankles, and shoulders
Foot and hand joints without inflammation are massaged gently.
More gentle hand movements
Reduced session lengths
Use of stronger movements on occasion

Reduces the rigidity of muscles and tissues.
Because we become less active as we age, our muscles tend to get more rigid and contracted. By boosting blood flow to the targeted areas and lowering general muscle tension, massage assists in the process of softening muscles and other connective tissues.
Boosts the amount of blood that flows to the limbs
The most significant advantage that massage therapy offers older adults is an improvement in circulation. Maintaining healthy circulation can be challenging as we age, but massage treatment is known to facilitate the passage of blood into the limbs.
Improves sleep
The massage table is not the only place where one can reap the benefits of relaxation brought on by massage. There have been instances witnessed in which dementia patients who received therapeutic massage could sleep through the night when they normally wouldn't have been able to.

Enhances one's balance and walk
Because of the natural tendency of our bones to become more brittle with age, falling is continuously ranked as one of the primary concerns of senior citizens. Because massage has the potential to enhance blood flow to the limbs, it helps to improve proprioception, which is the sensation of the relative location of different parts of the body. As a result, our balance is improved, and the likelihood of us falling is decreased.
Enhances Flexibility
Because of the effects of age and inactivity on our muscles, we must find ways to relax them. A greater range of motion in the activities of daily living can be achieved with the help of massage therapy, which works to relax tense muscles and joints.
Nervous system stimulant
The practice of massage treatment causes the release of endorphins, hormones, and neurotransmitters, all of which contribute to the healthy operation of the nervous system. This claim has been consistently backed up by research, which demonstrates how therapeutic massage assists in producing hormones like serotonin and dopamine, both of which have enormously beneficial effects on the body.

Your mood, stress levels,
pain, and possibly even other symptoms can all benefit from receiving a geriatric massage. Before beginning your massage, your massage therapist will consider your current health concerns, as your body will have a varied need for treatment as you age. A geriatric massage may be shorter than a standard massage, but it will still involve particular techniques tailored to your health history and the requirements of your body right now.